I took extra care to reduce the amount of light hitting Ds by turning the beam off axis. Such that Ch1 (Ds) was 10V/div and Ch2 (Df) was 5V/div. This time I was triggering on Ds at just around first knee as I described in my last post (point A)
40 measurements in total, and I also recorded the required parameters to calculate the refractive index using the NIST tool
Air Pressure :1022 Bar
Temp :13.5 c
Humidity 72 %
Wavelength 532 nm
Giving n and c in air below.
n 1.000281673
c 299708038 m/s
From that I expect the round trip time to be - Yes I remeasured the distance again
distance 18.2338 m.
expected 6.08385E-08 s
Here are the results.
Average : 60.805 ns
Error : -0.0551 %
Error : 3.3542E-11 ns
Speed : 299873366 m/s
Error : +165327 m/s
I'm going to look at the precision and errors later but just wanted to get this down on the blog. I would expect because the averaged time gives 5sf I can say I'm no worse then -0.0551%
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